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Showing posts with the label Dr Anupam Kumar Mishra

Do Media Trials Serve Any Purpose?

 INTRODUCTION Media is a form of communication, which includes publishing, broadcasting and the internet. The other ways through which the communication can be transmitted to the society are radio, television, newspaper, etc. But in this contemporary world media has developed over time and made the dissemination of information easy. Media imparts a very vital role in Indian democracy and hence it is called the ‘fourth pillar’ of the democracy. It generates awareness regarding the other three pillars namely Executive, Legislature and Judiciary. It even keeps the people informed about all the social, political and economic activities prevailing in our country. It is expected from the media to provide impartial and unbiased news as it plays a vital role in shaping the opinions of the society and is competent in changing the whole viewpoint through which people perceive various events. Therefore, it is the primary duty of media to simply put out every minute detail rather than reaching any

How to get Court Marriage done in India? A Step by Step Guide

 Marriages in India were at first governed, only by various religious laws, based on what religion the couple practiced. But in 1954 Indian parliament enacted the Special Marriage Act which enables persons of different religious persuasions to enter into a valid marriage. The act applies not only to inter-religion but inter-caste marriages as well, help of this Act can also be taken by Indian nationals in foreign countries. Once a couple is married under this Act, or their previously solemnised marriage is registered under this Act, the marriage is governed not by the couple’s personal religious laws but by the laws mentioned in the Special Marriage Act 1954 itself. The procedure of court marriages in India is governed by this very, previously mentioned, Special Marriage Act of 1954. Specified below is the procedure that needs to be followed for court marriages in India. Step 1: The first step for a court marriage is to check if you are eligible for the same. One will be considered a c

Court Marriage in India, By Adv Anupam Kumar Mishra,

 Introduction In India, a marriage between two individuals or persons belonging to different religions, nationality, caste or creed, are governed by the Special Marriage Act, 1954. Court Marriages enables the parties to make an application to the Marriage registrar for the solemnization, registration and grant of marriage certificate, thereby doing away with the customs and rituals of a traditional marriage. Valid conditions for Court Marriage  Some of the essentials to constitute a valid court marriage under the act: Both parties should not have a subsisting marriage at the time of Court Marriage.The bridegroom should have completed twenty-one (21) years of age and bride should have completed eighteen (18) years of age.The parties to the marriage must be mentally fit, not suffering from any persistent bouts of insanity.The consent to the marriage should free and valid and not obtained under any coercion or undue influence.The parties should not come within the degree of prohibited rel

Private Limited Company

Private Limited Company Private Limited Company is the most popular corporate entity that is registered extensively in India. It is governed by the MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) and regulated by the Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies Incorporation Rules, 2014. We can help you with company registration across India at a very competitive price. The advantages of registering a private limited company are enlisted to the right. Easy Transferability As the ownership of a company is represented by shares, the ownership of a company can be transferred to any other legal entity or person in India or abroad easily - in part or whole. The directors can also be replaced to ensure business continuity. Limited Liability A private limited company provides limited liability protection to its shareholders. In case of any unforeseen liabilities, it would be limited to the company and not impact the shareholders. Funding A company can raise equity capital from persons or entities interested in

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Registration

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Registration Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) was introduced in India by way of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008. The basic premise behind the introduction of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is to provide a form of business entity that is simple to maintain while providing limited liability to the owners. Since, its introduction in 2010, LLPs have been well received with over one lakhs registrations in India. LLP is one of the easiest types of business to incorporate and manage in India. With an easy incorporation process and simple compliance formalities, LLPs are preferred by Professionals, Micro and Small businesses that are family-owned or closely-held. Since LLPs are not capable of issuing equity shares, LLP should NOT be chosen for any business that has plans for raising equity funds from Angel Investors, Venture Capitalist or Private Equity Funds. Difference between LLP & Partnership Cost: The cost for registration of LLP

One Person Company (OPC) Registration

One Person Company (OPC) Registration The concept of One Person Company in India was introduced through the Companies Act, 2013 to support entrepreneurs who on their own are capable of starting a venture by allowing them to create a single person economic entity. One of the biggest advantages of a One Person Company (OPC) is that there can be only one member in an OPC, while a minimum of two members are required for incorporating and maintaining a Private Limited Company or a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). Similar to a Private Limited Company, a One Person Company is a separate legal entity from its promoter, offering limited liability protection to its sole shareholder, while having continuity of business and being easy to incorporate. Though a One Person Company allows a lone Entrepreneur to operate a corporate entity with limited liability protection, an OPC does have a few limitations. For instance, every One Person Company (OPC) must nominate a nominee Director in the MOA an

Partnership Firm Registration

Partnership Firm Registration A Partnership firm is a business entity created by persons who have agreed to share profits or loss of the business. Partnerships are a very good choice of business entity for small enterprises wherein two or more persons decides to contribute to a business and share the profits or losses. In India, Partnerships are widely prevalent because of its ease of formation and minimal regulatory compliance. Also, the concept of LLP was introduced only in 2010, whereas the Partnership Act, 1932 has been in existence before the independence of India. Hence, partnership firms are the most prevalent type of business entity wherein a group of people are involved. Types of Partnership There are two types of Partnership, registered Partnership and unregistered Partnership. In terms of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, (Act), the only criterion to commence business as a partnership is the finalisation and execution of a Partnership Deed between the Partners. The Act does

What is a proprietorship firm?

What is a proprietorship? A sole proprietorship is a type of unregistered business entity that is owned, managed and controlled by one person. Sole proprietorship is the most common type of business in India and it is used by most micro and small businesses operating in the unorganised sectors. Proprietorships are simple to start and have minimal regulatory compliance requirements for operating. This entity is ideal for entrepreneurs who are getting into business for the first time and for small businesses with few clients. Who is a proprietor? The owner of a sole proprietorship business in India is called a proprietor. It cannot be a corporate or legal entity. The proprietor and the proprietorship are considered to be the same entity legally. The PAN and other documents of the proprietor are the basis for obtaining all other business registrations and licenses. In case of any issues of liability in the business, the proprietor is held personally liable for it. Advantages Ease of setup

Draft Residential Property Lease Agreement Instantly

Description Residential lease agreement drafted by an expert Advocate. A real estate advocate will work with you to write a residential lease agreement that follows the local and state laws. This is right for you if you need a custom residential lease agreement for your house. What's Included a) Introduction call. A 30-minute phone call to know your advocate and talk about how you will work together. b) Checklist of list of documents required will be shared. c) Verification of your documents. d) Drafting of the lease agreement and handling the required paperwork. e) Registration of the Lease Agreement at the Registrar/Sub-registrar’s office. What's Not Included a) Court fees/Stamp Duty. You May Also Want To Know a) What is a lease agreement? A lease agreement is simply a contract between a landlord and a tenant that states what the tenant will pay monthly for rent and for how long. Lease agreements, like many contracts, tend to intimidate some people because much of the languag

Draft Gift Deed With The Help Of Expert Lawyers

Description A gift deed is a legal document that records and details transfer of movable or immovable property from the donor (giver) to the donee (receiver) without any exchange of money. The “gift” must be a well defined movable or immovable property and be transferable. What's Included a) Introduction call. A 15-minute phone call to know your advocate and talk about how you'll work together b) Checklist of list of documents required will be shared. c) Verification of your documents. d) Drafting of the Gift Deed and Handling the required paperwork.   What's Not Included a) Registration of Gift Deed.   You May Also Want To Know a) What is a Gift Deed? A Gift Deed is a legal document elucidating the voluntary transfer of the property to someone else without any monetary exchange. The handover can be made either to a person or an institution; however, it should be accepted by the recipient during the lifetime of the donor and should also be registered. b) What all details ar

Get Property Registration Done Without Any Hassles

Description Property registration refers to the recording of the property document details in the Registrar’s office and preserving the original documents with the Registering officer. To ensure conservation of the evidence, assurance of title, publicity of documents and prevention of fraud, some documents are obligatorily registered. It is very important that each document has to be presented at the registrar office by the concerned person itself or the authorized person followed by a witness and the implied registration fee. What's Included a) Introduction call. A 15-minute phone call to know your advocate and talk about how you will work together. b) Checklist of list of documents required will be shared. c) Verification of your documents. d) Drafting and Handling the required paperwork. e) Registration of property at the Registrar\Sub-registrar’s office. What's Not Included a) Court Fees and Stamp duty as applicable shall be payable extra. b) Any additional work done by the

Verify Property Documents With The Help Of Expert Lawyers

Description People invest their entire lifetime savings in buying property hence it is important to get property documents verified and checked before purchasing the property and secure themselves from risk of fraud, defective title and fraudulent documents. Our team of experienced advocate's all across 400+ cities in India provides first rate professional legal services and guidance for your Property Verification Process. What's Included a) Generating Title Search Report of the last 13 years & Certified Copy from the Registrar / sub registrar office. b) Verification of previous ownership documents for checking the title and rights of the seller. c) Verification of Sales Deed for checking the title and rights of the seller. d) Verification of Agreement to sell for checking the title and rights of the seller. e) Verification of Conveyance deed and Will for checking the title and rights of the seller. f) Verification of Perpetual lease deed for checking the title and rights o

Apply For Legal Heir/Succession Certificate

Description Succession Certificate is a certificate granted by the Courts in India to the legal heirs of a person dying intestate leaving debts and securities. Succession certificate entitles the holder to make payment of debt or transfer securities to the holder of certificate without having to ascertain the legal heir entitled to it. Apply for a Legal heir / Succession certificate with the help of a local experienced advocate. This is important for you if you want to establish yourself as the legal heir of a deceased person. What's Included a) Introduction call. A 15-minute phone call to know your advocate and talk about how you will work together. b) Checklist of list of documents required will be shared. c) Verification of your documents. d) Applying for Legal Heir / Succession certificate and handling the required paperwork. What's Not Included a) Court Fees and Stamp Duty as applicable shall be payable extra. b) Any additional work by the advocate after obtaining the lega

Draft Will With The Help Of Expert Lawyers

Description A will drafted by a local, experienced advocate. An expert advocate will work with you to write a will that expresses how you want your property and assets handled after your death. This is right for you if you need a will that specifically states what the courts should do with your property and assets after your death. What's Included a) Introduction call. A 30-minute phone call to know your advocate and talk about how you will work together. b) Full support. An attorney will talk to you about your unique needs and create a personalized will for your situation. What's Not Included a) Any additional work done by the advocate after the completion of the agreement. You May Also Want To Know a) What is a Will?  Will is a legal declaration of the intention of a testator with respect to his property, which he desires to be carried into effect after his death. It is testamentary instrument by which a person makes disposition of his property to take effect after his death,

60 Minute Marriage Counselling Session On Phone

Description A 60 minute phone call with an expert Marriage\Relationship Counselor to discuss your marriage\relationship related issues. Counselling aims to resolve issues and improve communication in a relationship. Couples’ counselling works with both people in the relationship, however sessions can start with one individual, working towards the involvement of the other partner. What's Included a) 60 minute phone call with the counselor where you can discuss all your issues and seek guidance. What's Not Included a) Counselling session via meeting

Draft Legal Notice or Reply To A Legal Notice For Divorce

Description If you are facing any sort of matrimonial dispute, you can legally send a notice to your spouse before reaching to the courts as the last resort. Most matrimonial disputes get settled once they receive a legal notice. We helps you send a legal notice drafted by an experienced advocate, which increases the chances of getting your matrimonial dispute resolved. What's Included a) Introduction call. A 15-minute phone call to know your advocate and talk about specific facts of your situation. b) Draft of Legal Notice. The advocate will share the draft of the legal notice for your approval. c) Dispatch of Legal Notice. Once the notice is finalized after your approval the advocate will dispatch the legal notice through registered post and share the tracking number. What's Not Included a) Filing of any case post sending out the legal notice is not included in this service. b) Preparation of any settlement deed post sending out the legal notice is not included in this servic

Get Court Marriage Registration Done Without Hassles

Description Court marriages are solemnized under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. Court marriage can be performed between an Indian male and a female irrespective of their caste, religion or creed. It can also be solemnized between an Indian and a foreigner. The procedure of the Court marriages does away with the rituals and ceremonies of the traditional marriages. The parties can directly apply to the Marriage Registrar for performance & registration of marriage and grant of marriage certificate. What's Included a) Introduction call. A 30-minute phone call to know your advocate and talk about how you will work together. b) Checklist of list of documents required will be shared. c) Filing for application for Court Marriage. d) Court appearance and Solemenisation of Marriage on the appointed day. What's Not Included a) Court Fees and Stamp duty as applicable shall be payable extra. You May Also Want To Know a) Who must give notice of intended marriage? A notice in writing is

Get Marriage Registration Done Without Any Hassles

Description Registering Marriage was never so easy. We made it simple. You have to just give your proper documents and we will process the rest for you and all at a very nominal fee. What's Included a) Introduction call. A 15-minute phone call to know your advocate and talk about how you will work together. b) Checklist of list of documents required will be shared. c) Verification of your documents. d) Online application and submission of your Registration form. e) Physical appearance at Registrar’s office and obtaining your marriage registration certificate. What's Not Included a) Court fees and Stamp duty shall be payable extra. You May Also Want To Know a) What is Marriage Registration Certificate ? Marriage Registration Certificate is issued to both Husband and Wife whose marriage has already been solemnised. The Registration is done under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. The Hindu Marriage Act is applicable in cases where both husband and w